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Wednesday 4 November 2020

Basic Social Studies Solved Questions and Answer (Part 1)


Basic Social Studies Solved Questions and Answer (Part 1)


1.         Who was the first president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

Ans.    The first president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was Iskandar Mirza.


2.         Of which organization is UNICEF the abbreviated forms?

Ans.    UNICEF is one of the specialized agenceis of United Nations and is the abbreviated form of “United

                  Nations International Children Emergency Fund.”


3.         Which institution was inaugurated by the Quaid-e-Azam in July 1948?

Ans.    The State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam in July, 1948.


4.         Name the rivers on which the Mangla Dam and the Tarbela Dam are built.

Ans.    Tarbela Dam is built on River Indus and Mangla Dam is built on River Jhelum.


5.       How many languages are spoken in Pakistan?

Ans.    In Pakistan, about 30 small and big languages are spoken. These include Urdu, Sindhi, Pushto, Punjabi, Baluchi, Kashmiri and Brahvi.


6.       What were the different names of Urdu in its different periods?

Ans.    In the beginning Urdu was given the name Hindavi, Hindi and Hindustani. Later on, it was given the name Urdu-e-Moalla and Rekhta. And now it is given the name Urdu.


7.       Name three classical poets of Urdu.

Ans.    The classical poets of Urdu are:

            (i)         Mir Taqi Mir

            (ii)        Mirza Ghalib

            (iii)       Mir Dard


8.       What do you know about the regional languages of Pakistan?

Ans.    Besides the national language Urdu, certain regional languages are spoken in Pakistan. These languages are spoken in a limited area, therefore, their status is of regional of provincial language. There are four porvinces in Pakistan. Each province has its own language:


(i)         KPK               Pushto

(ii)        Sindh               Sindhi

(iii)       Baluchistan   Baluchi

(iv)       Punjab       Punjabi



9.       When did Pushto language begin?

Ans.    Pushto is the language of KPK. The people speaking these languages are called Pukhtoon or Pushtoon. This language started about 5000 years in Afghanistan. Bakhtar or Bakht. Due to this it was given the name Bakhto which later became Pukhto or Pushto.


10.       Who is considered as the first poet of Pushto?

Ans.    Amir Krore is considered the first poet of Pushto.


11.         Name two famous poets of Pushto language.

Ans.    The famous and popular poets of Pushto language are:

      Kazim Khan Shaida ,

      Rehman Baba ,



12.       Whom began Sindhi language in Arabic script?

Ans.    Abul-Hasan Sindhi began Sindhi Language in Arabic script.


13.       Which languages influence Sindhi Language?

Ans.    Sindhi language is influenced by Darawdi, Sanskrit, Greek, Turkish, Pushto and other languages.


14.       ‘Shah-Jo-Risalo’ is the poetic collection of which poet?

Ans.    Shah-jo-Risalo is the poetic collection of famous Sindhi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai.


15.         Who are the famous poets of Sindhi languaeg?

Ans.    The famous and popular poets of Sindhi language are:

(i)         Syed Abdul Karim Muhammad Hashim.

(ii)        Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

(iii)       Sachal Sarmast

(iv)       Pir Muhammad

(v)        Makhdoom Noah

(vi)       Makhdoom Ahmed Bhatti



16.       Write down the names of famous Balochi tales?

Ans.    The famous tales of Balochi language are:

            (i)         Chakar Khan

            (ii)        Hamal Rando – Hanaz

            (iii)       Berang-o-Grahan

            (iv)       Nazshah Hured Dahanni


17.       Which language does Baluchi link to?

Ans.    Baluchi languages has its link with Aryan Languages.


18.       Write down the different style of speeches of Baluchi.

Ans.    The two styles of speeches of Baluchi are:

            (i)         Mehrani

            (ii)        Sulemani



19.       Which things are distinct in Punjabi literature?

Ans.    Folk tales are very popular in Punjabi literature. The poets gave thses tales into poetic forms. These tales include romances like Hir Ranjha, Sasshi Panhu and Sohni Mahiwal.


20.       Which civilization does Punjabi language has a link?

Ans.    Punjabi has its links with Hadmai or Draudi civilizations.


21.       Name the different styles of speech of Punjabi.

Ans.    The different styles of speech of Punjabi language are Mulsani, Saraiki, Shahpure, Potohari, etc.


22.       Name three classical poets of Punjabi.

Ans.    Three classical poets of Punjabi are:

            (i)         Shah Hussain

            (ii)        Bulleh Shah

            (iii)       Sultan Bahu


23.         Who are the famous poets of Punjabi Language?

Ans.    The names of famous poets of Punjabi language are given below:

(i)         Sultan Bahu

(ii)        Bullah Shah

(iii)       Shah Hussain

(iv)       Waris Shah

(v)        Madho Lal Hussain

(vi)       Ghulam Farid


24.       Who wrote Hir Ranjha?

Ans.    Hir Ranjha was written by Waris Shah


25.       Which is the famous book of Hashim Shah?

Ans.    The famous tale of Hashim Shah is Sassi Panhu.



26.         Was the constitution of 1962 of presidential or parliamentary type?

Ans.    The constitution of 1962 introduced the presidential form of Government.


27.         Name the natural regions of Pakistan.

Ans.    Pakistan is divided into six natural regions.

(i)         Northern Mountain Range

(ii)        Mountains of Western Frontier

(iii)       Plateau of Potowar and Salt Range

(iv)       The Plateau of Baluchistan

(v)        Upper Indus Plain    

(vi)       Lower Indus Plain


28.     Name the agencies of U.N.


Ans.    There are several specialized bodies which are asssociated with the work of the United Nations.

      The most specialized bodies are:

            (i)         UNICEF – United Nations Internation Childeren Emergency Fund.

            (ii)        UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

            (iii)       FAO – Food and Agricultural Organisation

            (iv)       WHO – World Health Organisation

            (v)        ILO – International Labour Organisation

            (vi)       WB – World Bank


29.       Of which organization is R.C.D. the abbreviated from? What is its new name?

Ans.    R.C.D. is the abbreviated form of “Regional Cooperation for Development.”

      The new name is E.C.O. (Economic Cooperation Organization)


30.       Describe briefly the causes that led to the creation of All India Muslim League?

Ans.    Following are the causes of the formation of All India Muslim League:

            (i)         Congress – A Hindu Organisation: Hume laid the foundation of Indian National Congress in

            1885. But Congress by its policy and propaganda proved itself a Hindu Organisation.

            (ii)        UnHappy Events of Partition of Bengal: Hindu’s attitude towards Muslim interest and the

            partition of Bengal had exposed Hindu feelings beyond any doubt.

            (iii)       Safeguard for Urdu: Urdu-Hindu controversy was one of the causes of the creation of

            Muslim League.

            (iv)       Propaganda Agains Islam: Some Hindu leaders had raised the slogan “India is for Hindus

            Only.” They starteed propaganda against Islam and Muslims.


31.       When, where and with whom did the members of the Simla Delegation go to meet?

Ans.    On 1st October 1906, a Muslim deputation consisting of 35 representative met the Viceroy Lord

      Minto at Simla and presented some demands of Muslims. The Viceroy gave a patient hearing to the

      demands of the Muslims presented by the Simla Delegation and he promised to give athetic

      consideration to the demands of Muslims and assured them that the interests of the Muslims

      would be safeguarded.


32.       When and why was the Khilafat Movement started? Who were the leaders of the Movement?

Ans.    After the First World War, the fate of Ottoman Turkish Empire (Khilafat) was sealed. The Turkish Sultans had claimed to be the Caliphs of the Muslim World. The general impression among the Muslims was that the Western Powers were waging a war against Islam to rob it of all its powers. Muslims of South India took up courage and started “Khilafat Movement in 1919. It’s aim was to:

(i)         To save Khilafat

(ii)        To protect Holy Cities from non-Muslim control

The leaders of Khilafat Movement were:

(i)         Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar

(ii)        Maulana Shaukat Ali

(iii)       Maulana Abul Kalam Azad



33.       Write names of the member countries of the SAARC organization.

Ans.    The following are the member countries of SAARC:

(i)         India         (ii)        Pakistan        (iii)       Bangladesh     (iv)       Sri Lanka

(v)        Nepal      (vi)       Bhutan    (vii)      Maldives


34.       When and which treaty was signed between India and Pakistan with respect to canal water dispute?

Ans.    The water dispute had its origin in the partition of Punjab. It came to light on April 1, 1948, when India cut off the flow of canal water to West Punjab in Pakistan, causing a great threat of famine and loss of crops in West Punjab.

            With the Intervention of World Bank, on September 19, 1960, an agreement was concluded between the countries which is known as “Indus Basin Treaty”. The treaty was singed by President Ayub Khan from Pakistan side and by Pandit Jauhar Lal Nehru from India in 1961. According to this agreement the Chenab, Jhelum and the Indus rivers were allocated to Pakistan adn three Eastern rivers Sutluj, Bias and Ravi were given to India.


35.       When and where as the first session of the All India Muslim League held?

Ans.    The first session of the All India Muslim League was held at Karachi on 29th and 30th December, 1907.


36.       When and who dissolved the first constituent Assembly of Pakistan?

Ans.    The first constiuent Assembly of Pakistan was dismissed by then the Governor General Ghulam Muhammad on October 24th, 1954.


37.       When and where was Allama Iqbal born?

Ans.    Allama Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot.


38.       Name any two cash crops of Pakistan.

Ans.    Cash crops supply raw material to industires. Foreign exhange is also earned through export of these crops. The cash-crops of Pakistan are:

(i)         Cotton

(ii)        Sugar-Cane


39.       How many administrative divisions are there in Sindh?

Ans.    There are four administrative divisons in Sindh.


40.       Name the main industries of Pakistan.

Ans.    The main industries of Pakistan are:

(i)         Textile Industries                                

(ii)        Cement Industries             

(iii)       Paper Industries

(iv)       Sugar Industries                  

(v)        Steel Industries                   

(vi)       Fertilizer’s Factories

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