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Saturday 30 January 2021

January 30, 2021

جاپانی نظامِ تعلیم، دنیا میں سب سے بہترین ۔۔؟


جاپانی نظامِ تعلیم، دنیا میں سب سے بہترین ۔۔؟؟


بہترین نظامِ تعلیم کی فہرست کو دیکھیں تو سرفہرست جاپا ن ہے ۔آیئے آج اس بات کا جائزہ لیں کہ وہ کون سی وجوہات ہیں جن کی بناء پر جاپان کے تعلیمی ادارے باقی دنیا سے آگے ہیں۔



جاپانی اپنی نئی نسل کے علمی سفر کا آغاز ’ اے بی سی ڈی‘ تعلیم کے بجائے اچھی تربیت سے کرتے ہیں۔ بچے کے اسکول میں داخلے کے چار سال بعد تک اسے کسی طرح کا امتحان نہیں دینا پڑتا۔


حیران کن بات یہ ہے کہ دوسرے ممالک میں بیشتر زبانوں کو سیکھنے والے بچے 26 سے 33 حرفِ تہجی یا د کرتے ہیں جبکہ جاپان میں اسی عمر کے بچوں کو’کانجی‘زبان کے 1,006 حرفِ تہجی یا د کرائے جاتے ہیں ۔


وہ صرف چھوٹےموٹے ٹیسٹ دیتےہیں کیونکہ ان کا خیال ہے کہ اسکول کے تین سال بچے کو نظم و ضبط، اچھے آداب اور جانوروں سے نرمی کا درس دینا زیادہ ضروری ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ بچوں کو تحمل، ضبط نفس اور انصاف کی خصوصی تعلیم دی جاتی ہے۔


دنیا میںتمام اسکولزاور یونیورسٹیز کا نیا تعلیمی سال ستمبر یا اکتوبر میں شروع ہوتا ہے جبکہ جاپان میںنئےتعلیمی سال کا آغاز اپریل یعنی بہار کے موسم میں کیاجا تا ہے تاکہ آنے والے بچوں کو خوشگو ار ماحول ملے۔اُنھیں موسمِ گرما میں 6 ہفتے اور موسم ِسرما میں 2 ہفتے کی چھٹیاں دی جاتی ہیں۔


پڑھائی کے ساتھ ساتھ وہاں کےطالب علموں میں اچھی عادات وافکار کیلئے بریک ٹائم میں اُنھیں گروپس میں تقسیم کر دیا جاتا ہے جس کے بعد وہ اپنے کلاس رومز، کیفے ٹیریا خودصاف کرتےہیں ۔یوںاُنھیں صفائی ،ٹیم ورک اور ایک دوسرے کی مدد کا درس ملتا ہےاور جب وہ جھاڑو پوچھے جیسے کام خودکرتے ہیں تو اُنھیں اُن لوگوں کا بھی احساس ہوتا ہے جو یہ کا م روز انجام دیتے ہیں۔


وہاں زیرِتعلیم بچوں کو دوپہر کا متوازن کھانا فراہم کیا جاتا ہے جسے وہ اپنی کلاس رومز میں اپنےاُستاد کے ہمراہ کھاتے ہیں۔یہ اقدام اُستاد اور طالبِ علموں کے درمیان مثبت تعلقات قائم کرنے کیلئے کیا جا تا ہے۔


اسکول کے اختتام پر بچوں کیلئے غیر نصابی سر گرمیوں کا بھی انتظام ہوتا ہے جس سے فارغ ہوکرشام کے اوقات میں اُن بچوں کو جنھیں زیادہ توجہ درکار ہوتی ہے اُنھیں گروپس کی شکل میں ورک شاپس کروائی جا تی ہیں تاکہ اُن کی کمزوریوں کو قا بلیت میں تبدیل کیاجا سکے۔


اسکولوں میں بچوں کو جاپانی خطاطی اور شاعری کی تعلیم دی جاتی ہے جس کے ذریعے وہ اپنے جذبات اور احساسات کا اظہارشاعرانہ انداز میں باآسانی کر نے کے اہل ہوجاتے ہیں اور اس کا دوسرا پہلو یہ بھی ہے کہ نئی آنے والی نسل کو اپنے معاشرے اور ثقافت کے رنگوں سے روشناس کروایا جا سکے۔


اسکول یونیفارم کا طرز دو اقسام کا رکھا گیا ہے جس میں سے ایک سماجی اور دوسرا ملٹری طرز کا ہوتا ہے۔اس یونیفارم پالیسی کا مقصد طالب علموں کے درمیان سماجی رکاوٹیں ہٹا نا اور ورکنگ موڈ میں لانا ہے۔اس کے علاوہ ایک ہی طرز کے لباس سے ان کے اندر کسی قسم کا اختلاف جنم نہیں لے پاتا۔


جہاں ایک طرف ہمارے ہاں کلاسز چھوڑنے کا کلچر پروان چڑھ رہا ہے تو دوسری جانب جاپان میں کلاسز چھوڑنا تو دور کلاسز میں تاخیر کا بھی کوئی تصوّر نہیں پایاجاتا۔ 91 فیصدطلباء پورے سال حاضر رہتے ہیں جس کی ایک وجہ وہاں کے اساتذہ کا مختلف طرزِتعلیم بھی ہے۔


ہائی اسکول کے اختتام پر طلباء کو اپنے مستقبل کا فیصلہ کرنا ہوتا ہےجو ایک بہت اہم امتحان کی مدد سے کیا جا تا ہے۔جس کے نتائج کے بعد یہ معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ اُس طالبِ علم کا داخلہ کس کالج میں ہوگا۔


یہ کافی مشکل امتحان ہوتا ہے جسے100 میں سے 76 فیصد بچے پاس کرکے ہائی اسکولز میں جا پاتے ہیں۔بعد کے ادوار کو جاپانی طالبِ علم اپنی زندگی کا بہترین دور کہتے ہیں۔ہائی اسکولز میں جانے سے پہلے جاپانی طالب علموں کو چھوٹا سا وقفہ دیا جا تا ہے۔ اکثر طالبِ علم اسے کام سے پہلے آرام کا نام دیتے ہیں۔


یہ ہیں وہ وجوہات جن کی بنا پر دنیا کے لاکھوں نظامِ تعلیم میں جاپانی نظامِ تعلیم پہلے نمبر پرسمجھا جاتا ہے۔ہمیں بھی چاہئے کہ اپنے فرسودہ نظامِ تعلیم کو بہتری کی جانب لائیں تاکہ ہماری آنے والی نسلیں مثبت اور بہتر پاکستان دیکھ سکیں


Friday 25 December 2020

December 25, 2020

KPK Police Junior Clerk Syllabus And Roll Number Slip Announced by ETEA


KPK Police Department Junior Clerk Jobs ETEA Roll Number Slips And Test Syllabus.

KPK Police Department Junior Clerk Jobs ETEA Roll Number Slips download online from here. Tap this page to get the information about the roll no slip of Police Department Junior Clerk Jobs via ETEA.


ETEA announced Roll Number Slips for those candidates who apply for Junior Clerk Jobs in KPK Police Department.

Click Here to Download Roll Number Slip

How to Download Junior Clerks Posts 2020 Test Roll No Slip

  • Your National identity card (CNIC) number is require to download KPK Police Department Junior Clerk posts test roll number slip.
  • After entering id card number (CNIC) and other details which are require. You can view the roll number slip as well as all other details about test time & test venue.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

December 16, 2020

NTS ESED Paper Composition For Upcoming Tests 2021


NTS ESED Paper Composition For Upcoming Tests 2021
NTS ESED Paper Composition For Upcoming Tests 2021

NTS has uploaded the upcoming examinations paper composition

on its website for recruitment of teachers in District Cadres of Elementary and Secondary Education Department. Now you can prepare yourself for the test you want to take and get higher marks in the test.

You can download the DC/SSC paper composition by clicking on the link given below.

Click Here To Download District Cader Posts Paper Composition for Upcoming Tests 2021

Click Here To Download SST Paper Composition for Upcoming Tests 2021

Tuesday 1 December 2020

December 01, 2020

What Is an Application Form? Download A Free Jobs Application Form in PDF

What Is an Application Form? Download A Free Jobs Application Form in PDF
Jobs Application Form

What Is an Application Form?

An application form is an official document that a potential employer will require candidates to complete when applying for a vacancy. The application form allows the employer to pose a series of specific questions that every candidate must answer.

A standard form helps to speed up the application process and enables recruiters to compare applications more easily. It also makes it easier to weed out unsuitable or under-qualified candidates.

Application forms are also used where there is a continuous need for recruitment or where a high volume of applicants is expected. You may be asked to fill out an application form for jobs in the public sector, education and larger retail companies, among others.

An application form will usually include sections on personal informationeducation, work experience and employment history, as well as competency-based questions and a personal statement.

Application forms are usually completed and submitted online, although paper versions may be accepted in some cases.


Why Are Application Forms Important?

An application form is likely to be your first chance to make an impression on an employer. It can spell the difference between being rejected outright or invited for interview, so it's crucial to get it right.

The best application forms will use the questions asked to reveal the candidate’s experiencequalificationsskills and attributes, while showing how these are directly relevant to the role applied for.

Your application should grab the attention of the recruiter and leave them wanting to find out more.

There is little point sending out lots of poor-quality job applications. Instead, find a few firms that you have a strong desire to work for and focus on applying for those.

Time spent researching the company and preparing answers that are thoughtful, intelligent and tailored to the specific role will give the recruiter a better insight into your personality and suitability for the position, and make your application more memorable


The Structure of Application Forms

Most application forms consist of four main sections:

  • Personal Details
  • Education
  • Employment History
  • Activities and Interests


Monday 30 November 2020

November 30, 2020

Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) jobs 2020 Apply Online (Last Date 17 December 2020)

Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) jobs 2020 Apply Online (Last Date 15 December 2020)
Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) Jobs 2020


ANF (Anti Narcotics Force) is seeking hardworking and qualified candidates for the positions of:

  • LDC
  • Driver
  • Sub Inspector
  • Cook
  • Data Entry Operator
  • Constable Dog Attendant
  • Sweeper
  • Constable Driver
  • Constable
  • Naib Qasid
  • DEO
  • Stenotypist
  • Assistant
  • Waiter
  • Networking Operator
  • ASI


  1. Eligible individuals who possess internet facilities are invited to apply online through
  2. The candidates who have no internet facility can send their applications to recruitment centers.
  3. ANF Recruitment Centers can be visited in various cities of Pakistan like Lahore, Rawalpindi, Quetta, Karachi, and Peshawar.
  4. ANF Job Application Form is also available in the current advertisement
  5. The last date for the submission of the application is December 15, 2020.

Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) jobs 2020 Apply Online (Last Date 15 December 2020)
Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) Jobs December, 2020

Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) Jobs Application Form December, 2020
Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) Application Form

Wednesday 18 November 2020

November 18, 2020

PAKISTAN National Symbols And Things



·         Father of Pakistan is Quaid-e-Azam.

·         Mother of Pakistan is Fatima Jinnah.

·         National Poet of Pakistan is Allama Iqbal.

·         National Language of Pakistan is Urdu.

·         National Anthem of Pakistan is Pak Sarzameen (The Sacred Land).

·         National Sport of Pakistan is Hockey.

·         National Bird of Pakistan is Chukar (Chakor).

·         State Bird of Pakistan is Peregrine Falcon

·         National Animal of Pakistan is Markhor.

·         National Reptile of Pakistan is Mugger – Crocodile.

·         National Predator of Pakistan is Snow – Leopard.

·         National Mammal of Pakistan is Indus River Dolphin.

·         National Dress of Pakistan is Shalwar Kameez.

·         National Drink of Pakistan is Sugar Cane Juice (Gunney Ka Rus).

·         National Flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.

·         National Fruit of Pakistan is Mango.

·         National Tree of Pakistan is Deodar.

·         National Dish of Pakistan is Nihari.

·         National Vegetable of Pakistan is Lady Finger.

·         National Color of Pakistan is White and Green.

·         National Mountain of Pakistan is K2.

·         National River of Pakistan is River Indus.

·         National Airline of Pakistan is PIA.

·         National Currency of Pakistan is Pakistani Rupee.

·         State Religion of Pakistan is Islam.

·         National Masjid of Pakistan is Faisal Masjid.

·         National Tower of Pakistan is Minar-e-Pakistan.

·         National Library of Pakistan is located at Constitution Avenue , Islamabad.

·         National Mausoleum of Pakistan is Mazar-e-Quaid.

·         National Monument of Pakistan is Pakistan Monument Islamabad.

·         National Top 5 Heroes of Pakistan are:

1)      Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

2)      Allama Muhammad Iqbal

3)      Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan

4)      Dr. Abdus Salam

5)      Abdus Sattar Edhi



·         Quaid-e-Azam, Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th December 1876 at Karachi.

·         He died on September 11, 1948.



·         Fatima Jinnah was the younger sister of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

·         She was born on July 30, 1893 at Karachi.

·         She is commonly known in Pakistan as Khatun-e Pakistan (Lady of Pakistan) and Mader-e Millat (Mother of the Nation)

·         She died in Karachi on July 8, 1967.



·         Allama Iqbal was born at Sialkot on November 9, 1877.

·         He died on April 21, 1938 and was buried in Lahore near the Badshahi Mosque.



·         Ahmad G. Chagla composed the music of the National Anthem of Pakistan in 1949.

·         Hafeez Jullundhri wrote the lyrics of the National Anthem of Pakistan in 1952.

·         It was officially adopted as Pakistan’s National Anthem in August 1954.

·         It was sung for the first time on Radio Pakistan, Karachi on 13 August.

·         Total duration of Pakistan’s National Anthem is 80 Seconds.

·         Number of words in Anthem are 50.

·         Numbers of lines in Anthem are 15.



·         Name of Pakistan’s National Flag is Parcham-e-Sitara-o-Hilal (Flag of the Crescent and Star).

·         The National Flag of Pakistan was adopted in its present form during a meeting of the Constituent Assembly on August 11, 1947, just three days before the country’s independence, when it became the OFFICIAL FLAG of the Dominion of Pakistan.

·         The Flag is a green field with a White Crescent Moon and Five – Rayed Star at its center, and a vertical White Stripe at the hoist side.

·         The flag was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai, and is based on the All-India Muslim League flag.



·         The state emblem of Pakistan was adopted in 1954.

·         The four components of the emblem are a crescent and star crest above a shield, which is surrounded by a wreath, below which is a scroll.

·         The crest and the green colour of the emblem are traditional symbols of Islam.

·         The quartered shield in the centre shows cotton, wheat, tea and jute, which were the major crops of Pakistan at independence and signify the agricultural base of the economy.

·         The floral wreath, surrounding the shield, is the Jasminum officinale (the National flower).

·         The scroll supporting the shield contains Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s motto in Urdu, which reads from right to left, “Iman, Ittihad, Nazm” translated as “Faith, Unity, Discipline” and were intended as the guiding principles for Pakistan.



·         Urdu is the national language of Pakistan.

·         It is a mixture of Persian, Arabic and various local languages.

·         It is similar to Hindi but written in Arabic script.



·         The Faisal Mosque is the largest mosque in Pakistan, located in the national capital city of Islamabad.

·         Completed in 1986, it was designed by Turkish architect Vedat Dalokay, shaped like a desert Bedouin’s tent, is an iconic symbol of Islamabad throughout the world.



·         The Pakistan Monument in Islamabad, Pakistan, is a national monument representing the nation’s four provinces and three territories.

·         After a competition among many renowned architects, Arif Masood’s plan was selected for the final design.

·         The four main petals of the monument represent the four provinces (Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Sindh), while the three smaller petals represent the three territories (Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas).

·         The Monument has been designed to reflect the culture and civilization of the country and depicts the story of the Pakistan Movement, dedicated to those who sacrificed themselves for future generations.



·         The National Library of Pakistan is located at Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan.

·         The building has space for 500 readers as well as 15 research rooms, a 450-seat auditorium, and computer and microfilm services.

·         At its opening in 1993, the library owned a collection of 130,000 volumes and 600 manuscripts.

·         Like many other national libraries, the National Library of Pakistan is a copyright deposit library, and since 1967 it has received a copy of every book published in Pakistan.



·         National Mausoleum refers to the tomb of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

·         It is an iconic symbol of Karachi throughout the world.

·         The mausoleum was completed in the 1960s.

·         It is situated at the heart of the city.



·         Field Hockey is the national sport of Pakistan.

·         Pakistan has been one of the most successful teams in international competitions, having won a world record four Hockey World Cup titles with 338 goals.



·         Construction started:                                     1960

·         Opened:                                                              October 31, 1968

·         Architect:                                                            Nasreddin Murat Khan

·         Minar-e-Pakistan, literally “Tower of Pakistan” is a public monument located in Iqbal Park.

·         The tower was constructed during the 1960s on the site where, on 23 March 1940, the All-India Muslim League passed the Lahore Resolution.

·         The Tower rises about 62 meters on the base.

·         The base is about 8 meters above on the ground.

·         The total height of Minar is about 70 meters above the ground.

·         The unfolding petals are 9 meters high.

·         The diameter of the tower is about 9.75 meters.